Grant Management Software and Productivity

Grant Management Software and Productivity

Grant Management Software and Productivity

Grant management software helps you and your organization comply with regulations, apply for grants, or organize new data and reports. When it comes to increased productivity, reliable software is one of the best ways to manage your application and implementation process.

While managing the grant lifecycle can be a long, time-consuming, and confusing process, high-quality software offers several ways to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. 

How to Improve Grant Management Productivity 

Improving productivity in your grant management process starts with using a reliable grants management solution. From help with compliance to easy data reporting, management software gives you the tools to keep up with your applications and grant usage at all times.

Grant Management Software and Productivity

1. Staying Compliant 

Keeping all your organization’s grants compliant with regulations and requirements can be an extensive process. However, by outsourcing this job to grant management software, you can hand the reins to experts who can keep track of all private and federal award requirements for you. 

Depending on the nature of your organization and the types of grants you have, it may be difficult for your organization to keep track of all your compliance requirements. Creating and maintaining a catalog of rules and regulations can help ease the process. It also enables you to maintain a transparent, traceable and accountable record for your funders to look over. 

Grant management software can help you with the following:

  • Data retention: The program acts as a single-source data retention platform. 
  • Accessibility: Both administrators and certifiers can easily access and use your information, documents, data, and reports.
  • Reporting: Reporting is automatic and you can easily share it with funders and members of your organization.
  • Storage: The software electronically stores records of your data and information for later use.

An online grant management system offers you financial and compliance support through assistance with rules and regulations across various funding companies. Whether you need help with compliance reviews or audit support, reliable software helps you automate the grant process and stay on top of the rules for each grant application. 

Some funders may require: 

  • Information confirming the eligibility of your reimbursed expenses.
  • Compliance with procurement rules.
  • Financial oversight during the process. 

Automation takes the guesswork out of compliance, helping you handle each process with expertise in business and financial practices.

2. Reduce Cost 

Administrative time is one of the areas where organizations deplete the most funds. Including automation can help reduce this loss by lessening the burden of grant management. It can save you valuable time and money that you could otherwise spend on essential areas of your process. 

Many grants do not include funding for indirect or administrative costs, leaving organizations to find additional funding elsewhere. Automation can help you reduce or eliminate administrative costs, lessening the need to spend money in this area.

It can also help you find other ways to save costs. For example, grant management software’s automated processes help reduce the need for intensive training, lowering your overhead costs to train and retain staff members.

3. Accuracy and Efficiency 

Automating lets you complete expedited processes accurately and promptly. While many organizations complete tasks manually, you are sure to benefit more from the accuracy of automation. An efficient grant management solution helps you stay organized with access to essential information and technology. Whether you need the software for daily management or organizational reporting, you can meet the funding agency’s requirements by digitizing your process. 

Digitizing can also help you increase efficiency and accuracy by shortening the grant application and filling process. This process is often the most tedious, but as a first step, it is the most important to get right. Preparing and formatting your applications takes time — creating, filling out, and finalizing an application by hand or online can take days or weeks. However, grant management software lets you:

  • Automate creation: You can automatically create and format the document through reliable grant software.
  • Fill in information: Automating the process lets you create the document with any information about you or the agency already filled in.
  • Autofill details: The software can also autofill details by pulling them directly from your data. Instead of looking it up and entering it by hand, you can create the document with information like start and end dates, statistics, and dollar amounts.
  • Reduce time: The time you spend formatting and filling out your documents will drastically decrease.

4. Generate Data for Reporting

Using automated grant management software, generating and interpreting data can help determine precisely how and where you’re spending your funds. Many grant funders require consistent reports to check in with your company and see how you’re using their money. These reports may look like financial updates or progress checks. While it’s common for grant staff to use Excel for tracking and reports, you’ll find that Excel grant management has serious limitations

Using high-quality grant management software to track and report your data makes it easier to comply with funder requests. This software can help you see how you’ve allocated your grants and how you’re using them, providing the information you need to report back to funders accurately. 

Many systems can also connect to other platforms in real time, making it easier to provide updates quickly. Your organization can track data efficiently and organize internal structures without the fear of failing an audit or losing critical funds. 

5. Improve Customer Experience

Grant management software can also improve your overall customer experience. An automated process can also help you with the following:

  • Transparency: Increase transparency and information sharing between you and your clients. 
  • Reporting: Creating custom reports for your grant applications, submissions and implementation can help you meet reporting requirements.
  • Data submission: Submit data that customers can easily access and locate. Improved data submission can clarify how you currently use the grant.
  • Calculating return: Grant management software gives customers the data to calculate a grant’s return on a cost-per-client basis.

Grant management may also help you move your data as you see fit while creating and organizing reports to your liking. Reporting in grant management software allows you to measure how your grants have impacted clients and make future decisions to continue an efficient process. 

Grant Management Software and Productivity

Find Reliable Grant Management Software at IGX Solutions

Using automated software and working with a grant management team can help take the workload off you and your grant staff. Produce high-quality results by working with IGX Solutions’ grants management systems. Our company works with over 120 clients throughout the United States, helping state and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations manage their grant systems and grantmaking process. With our 98% client satisfaction and retention rate, you can rest assured that IGX Solutions has what you need. 

Our grant management software comes with a professional team that helps you match your business process to our IntelliGrant® IGX, Core CVC, or BEPro platforms. We’ll also suggest process and design improvements along the way. Contact us to speak to a representative or book a demonstration below today.

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