Grant Management Software for Education

Many educational facilities use grants to support their immediate needs like building renovations, equipment purchases and student aid. With the funding from these grant programs, schools can improve their educational outcomes, making proper grant management in higher education essential. However, managing grants is much easier said than done, as this process is often complex and time-consuming. 

You can properly maintain your grants throughout their life cycles with grant management software for education. These systems use application-based processes to monitor, evaluate and report your organization’s grant data with accuracy and regulatory compliance in mind.

You can promote efficient higher education grant tracking with software from IGX Solutions. We designed our platform to help users improve their reporting capabilities and workflows while saving time and money.

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Education Grant Management Systems

Education Grant Management Systems

Though grants undoubtedly benefit educational facilities, they can be difficult to manage. Common challenges to higher education grant tracking include:

  • Lack of time: As a higher education institution, you have many responsibilities on your plate, such as developing educational programs, providing guidance to students and performing administrative tasks, leaving little time for grant management. 
  • Poor communication: When internal and external parties within your facility exchange information, there’s a large chance of miscommunication, leading to inaccurate grant data. 
  • Insufficient internal controls: Educational establishments involve many departments, members and subrecipients, though many don’t have the controls to support them in their grant management endeavors.
  • Outdated legacy systems: Though many schools use legacy systems, many of these solutions are outdated and cannot handle their grant reporting needs.
  • Lack of visibility: It can be challenging for higher education institutions to accurately measure grant performance without complete visibility into their return on investment (ROI).
  • Inefficient record-keeping: When you keep grant data records using both paper and digital sources, you’re more likely to experience tracking inefficiencies. 
  • Regulatory compliance: Schools must comply with strict regulatory standards when managing their grants, but keeping up with these changing requirements can be a complicated process.
  • Multiple portfolio locations: Without a centralized storage location for the many elements of your grant portfolio, these components can become challenging to manage. 
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Streamline the Higher Education Grant Tracking Process

IntelliGrants is cutting-edge and one of the best grant management software for higher education that allows facilities to view, collect, analyze, track and report their grant data through a centralized environment. Our user-friendly solution allows you to optimize your organization’s grant process controls, administration and visibility.

You can achieve many advanced capabilities using our software:

Grant Management Software for Education

Take Control of Your Grants With Our Higher Education Grant Management Software

You can manage your higher education facility’s grant information with ease using grant tracking systems from IGX Solutions. We’ve provided nonprofits, governments and educational institutions across the country with top-of-the-line grant management solutions since 1997.

Book a live demo of our software today!

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