Core CVC

Core CVC

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Crime Victim
Compensation Software

Case management for crime victim compensation can be a challenge. Using legacy systems and paperwork files to manage the job takes a significant portion of your staff’s time. Inaccurate reporting can cause compliance issues. Systems that aren’t secure and user-friendly can potentially create unsatisfactory victims’ experiences or adversely impact their outcomes.

Solve those challenges by using Core CVC to manage your crime victim compensation processes. This software from IGX Solutions uses an emotionally intelligent design and allows criminal justice agencies like yours to focus on their critical mission — financially helping crime victims recover — and less time performing repetitive administrative tasks.

What Is Core CVC?

Core CVC was designed to streamline the workflows of crime victim compensation agencies.  Core CVC allows agencies to leverage the power of cloud computing to capture, organize and generate reports for case management data. IGX Solutions designed this crime victim software with the help of a focus group of real CVC program professionals so that our CVC software truly addresses the needs of all types of agencies and processes.

Key features and benefits include:

  • Industry Leading Implementation Timeframes
  • Faster Application and Claim Processing Timeframes
  • ADA Compliant
  • WCAG 2.0 Compliant
  • Hosting in Microsoft Azure GovCloud 
  • FedRamp HIGH Compliant Environment
  • Product Updates to Align with Changing Federal Laws and Regulations
  • Unlimited Support
  • Unlimited User Licenses
  • SOC Compliance
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Connects with Disparate Systems
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Microsoft Partner

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Years of Experience in Grant Management

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Clients in 34 States

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Retention Rate

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How CVC Software Works

Core CVC recognizes the many processes involved in crime survivor case management and uses various functions to support these workflows.

Our online Core CVC portal allows victims to submit their applications and supporting documents to your program through a desktop or mobile device. The application process is secure and confidential and scales up or down to meet your needs.

Survivors can view and track applications and communicate with agency staff. Core CVC applications guide victims through the process to keep the workflow efficient. The platform also supports offline submissions by allowing your team to upload and digitize applications sent to your office.

With process automation, Core CVC boosts workflow efficiency within your program. IGX Solutions understands that every workflow is different, so we partner with your team to design automation solutions that fit your program. Possible solutions can include logic-based routing, automated restitution collection notices, reminders for your team and automated follow-ups with providers that verify expense information.

Our turnkey approach to automation ensures Core CVC makes sense for your organization.

Core CVC is designed to minimize stressors during the application process for survivors. In addition to eliminating barriers in the application process, the platform can provide a directory of local, state and federal resources to support victims during this challenging time. 

We will configure your directory to showcase the resources your agency wishes to share. We can also design the directory with brief descriptions of each resource, such as contact information, services provided and operating hours.

Keep stakeholders on the same page with automatic notifications and alerts that update staff, survivors, providers and law enforcement partners. With our messaging toolset, victims and program stakeholders can interact as needed while the system captures a complete audit trail of all communications. Manage interactions through our Communications Log and track any communication that takes place outside of the platform.

Core CVC has already been developed and tested, so it only needs configuring to your requirements. In most cases, we can implement the platform within 12 weeks. Core CVC is a subscription software, so your agency will be charged a single annual fee to use all of the platform’s features. 

This subscription model makes your costs predictable and reduces administrative burden on your end. All enhancement needs, program updates and federally mandated changes are our responsibility.

We’ve designed Core CVC to maximize user experience and flexibility. Core CVC has a robust suite of self-service tools to enable your team to manage the platform based on your program’s requirements. You can handle most configuration responsibilities through our self-service toolset. The IGX Solutions team will support you in any areas not covered in the self-service features.

Experience full compliance with industry guidelines and regulations through Core CVC’s robust reporting tools. Our web-based platform features data validation support and performance management tracking (PMT) to ensure compliance with federal regulations and to maintain consistent, accurate data. Create comprehensive reports to gain complete visibility into all processes and communication.


Hear from Our Clients

Iowa Department of Justice, Office Of the Attorney General logo, an IGX Solutions client.
Core CVC

Our workflow has improved immensely since we launched IntelliGrants IGX. The functionality of the system has automated several laborious tasks, such as contract creation, equipment tracking, account fund management, grant monitoring and application review.

While we are still relatively new IntelliGrants users, it’s difficult to say how much time we save with this system, as we are still testing and training new users. This system is more automated than our prior system and therefore, tasks that used to take hours, now take minutes to complete.

– Iowa Attorney General’s Office, Crime Victim Assistance Division (CVAD)

Core CVC

“Working with Agate over the past few years has been a great experience. Their extensive knowledge and guidance has helped our office become more efficient and productive when it comes to the online grant system. Their support staff has been able to take my questions and inquiries and enhance the online experience for all users.”

– Michigan State Police Office of Highway Safety Planning

State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety logo, an IGX Solutions client.
Core CVC

“[Agate] worked diligently with DPS to customize the E-Grants system in order to meet the different business needs of our divisions. DPS divisions process several types of federal grants and can have varying process workflows to support these needs. [Agate] was able to incorporate these separate needs, while maintaining centralized parts of the process, such as financial processing and reporting. With their customizations, the system ensures DPS is in compliance with federal regulations, state policies, and procedures.”

– MNIT – Department of Public Safety

Key Features

Core CVC is purpose-built cvc software that offers many benefits, such as:

Core CVC
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Increased Agency Efficiency

Improve service levels with automated processes. Your staff saves time on administrative and repetitive tasks by using Core CVC to manage CVC across its life cycle. As a result, they spend more time on mission-critical objectives.

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Core CVC

Custom Configuration

Implement a state-specific solution, most often within 12 weeks. IGX Solutions can add complementary functionalities, agency forms and methods to establish statewide universal processes.

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Core CVC


Adapt quickly to changing needs and increase overall productivity with automated workflows. We can manage additional processes in Core CVC to streamline other critical and repetitive tasks.

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Core CVC


Enjoy complete flexibility. Our platform supports dynamic processes to handle tasks from basic to complex. As a result, Core CVC is an ideal solution for various internal and external uses.

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Enhanced Communication

Make stakeholder outreach straightforward and more efficient. Core CVC helps you stay on track with essential case management communications.

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Core CVC


Track workers’ educational progress in completing external training programs via our Training Module.  Leverage your subscription-based training to keep your staff up to date on Core CVC. IGX Solutions offers annual web-based training on the Core CVC product. Plus, our training comes standard with your service subscription.

Key features accessibility
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Make it easier for victims to assist in their case management when it works best for them. Our self-service tools allow them to enter applications and expenses directly into the portal or check submission status when it fits into their schedules. 

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Learn More About Our
Core CVC Solutions Today

Let us show you how easy Core CVC is to use and how it can improve your case management workflows with a live demonstration. Our account managers will illustrate the platform’s features and answer questions about how it meets your organization’s needs. Reserve your time slot online today!

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