What Types of Grants Are There? 

Grants offer funds for particular projects and vary based on their purpose, eligibility and providers. Several common types include:

  • Federal grants
  • State and local government grants
  • Research grants
  • Education grants
  • Nonprofit grants
  • Business grants
  • Arts and cultural grants
  • Environmental grants
  • Health and human services grants
  • Housing grants
  • International grants
  • Disaster relief grants

How Can Grant Seekers Apply for Grants?

Grant seekers can follow several steps to increase their chances of receiving funding:

  1. Research grant opportunities using databases and resources like grants.gov, Foundation Center or local government websites. 
  2. Review eligibility requirements to ensure their organization or project qualifies before they apply.
  3. Gather necessary information and documents like financial statements, project descriptions and tax-exempt documentation. 
  4. Write a compelling grant proposal that follows application guidelines. 
  5. Seek support and feedback from a grant writer or advisor with experience in their field. 
  6. Submit their application on time to avoid disqualification. 
  7. Track the review timeline and provide additional information as requested.
  8. Prepare for reporting to manage grant funds according to the grantor’s terms. 

Individuals can find grant management software options to help track deadlines, manage applications and store important documents. These solutions streamline the process. 

Why Is Managing Grants Important?

Both grant-making entities and grant-receiving entities need proper management. Grant management primarily ensures that awarded funds serve their purpose. Here are a few reasons why management is critical:

  • Accountability: Organizations that handle public or donated funds must answer to stakeholders, donors and the public.
  • Compliance: Grants have specific guidelines, conditions and regulations. Proper grant management ensures compliance. 
  • Reporting: Many grants require regular reports on funding usage. Grant management ensures accurate and timely reports. 
  • Competitiveness: Organizations that manage grants well will gain more consideration for future opportunities. 

What Is Grant Management Software?

Grant management software allows you to streamline and automate various aspects of the grant process for greater effectiveness and efficiency. The solution provides a centralized platform for all grant-related activities. Grant management software has features like:

  • Grant discovery
  • Award tracking
  • Budget management
  • Financial reporting
  • Compliance management
  • Analytics
  • Collaboration tools
  • Document management

IntelliGrants® IGX, the grant management solution from IGX Solutions, has additional features that expand its capabilities beyond grants. The adaptable platform works well for various forms of process management, handling everything from lease applications to tax credits. 

How Does Grant Management Software Work?

Grant management software includes the full suite of solutions needed to oversee grants. It automates and centralizes grant acquisition, administration and reporting processes. 

The software allows users to search for grants and guides them through the application process, from writing proposals to submitting documents. It includes workflow and document management features to streamline processes. Users receive alerts about important deadlines and other details to keep them informed. 

Grant management software also helps organizations that give grants by providing budgeting, evaluation and integration features. 

Who Is Grant Management Software For?

Grant management software primarily supports organizations and individuals who oversee and administer grants. The solution allows them to streamline their process, from application to awarding, monitoring, reporting and compliance. 

The primary users include:

What if I Currently Use a Grant Tracking Spreadsheet?

A grant tracking spreadsheet like Excel is widely accessible, but you may need a more robust solution to keep pace with changing needs. If you face complex or time-consuming grant management, consider using your current spreadsheets as a guide. Your current Excel spreadsheet can offer a familiar and configurable solution to give you an idea of what you might integrate into the new software solution you implement.

As you transition to grant management software, follow this process:

  1. Evaluate your needs, including your current volume of grants and grant management complexity.
  2. Research grant management solutions to see which option has the features you need.
  3. Consider the costs and benefits of a more sophisticated system.
  4. Request a demo to test new solutions before you commit to a particular software. 

How Much Does Grant Management Software Cost?

Grant management software can range in cost depending on various factors, including the features offered, the size and complexity of your organization, the number of users and whether you host the software on-premises or in the cloud. 

Many grant management systems use subscription services. Other grant management systems may use per-user licensing, tiered pricing, custom pricing or a one-time purchase. You may even find free or freemium versions of grant management software, but these programs often have limited functionality. 

Beyond the software cost, consider other expenses like implementation, training, support and personalization.

What Are the Implementation and Onboarding Processes Like?

Your implementation and onboarding processes can vary based on several factors, like the complexity of the software, the size of your organization and your existing processes. Here’s a general idea of a typical implementation for software like IntelliGrants IGX:

  1. Initial consultation
  2. Configuration
  3. Data migration
  4. Integration
  5. Training
  6. Testing
  7. Deployment
  8. Ongoing support
  9. Onboarding new users
  10. Evaluation and feedback

This process requires close collaboration between the software provider and client throughout a structured, phased approach to create a smooth transition and successful adoption. 

How Does IntelliGrants® IGX Compare to Other Solutions Like eCivis or AmpliFund?

While various grant management software options exist within the industry, not all offer the same level of performance. Choose IntelliGrants for the most effective grants management processes. IntelliGrants IGX is an intuitive, robust and configurable tool for administrators. The solution supports applicants and reviewers across many sectors, whether you need grant management for government entities, nonprofits or other uses.

The system offers effective grant tracking and management with distinguishing factors, like its versatile design, to meet your organization’s requirements. Based on your requirements, you can choose flexible implementation. Implementation typically takes 10 to 14 months or four to six months for those who need a faster process.

eCivis provides limited grant management capabilities compared to IntelliGrants. It lacks features like robust reporting, workflow automation and a user-friendly design. These shortfalls make IntelliGrants the superior choice. AmpliFund lacks several essential features compared to IntelliGrants, such as customizable workflows and advanced compliance tracking capabilities. The interface is also more difficult to use, which may lead organizations to spend unnecessary time on grant management processes.

Do You Offer Grant Writing Services?

IGX Solutions does not currently offer grant writing services. 

Do You Offer Demos or Trials?

We offer free in-depth demos of our software to give you a complete idea of how the solutions work before you implement them. 

Is This Software Compliant?

IGX Solutions submits to annual Service Organization Control Type 2 (SOC II) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) audits to ensure compliance. Our System Security Plan meets the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53 regarding security and privacy controls. The IntelliGrants IGX software also meets applicable accessibility and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance requirements. We regularly test for vulnerabilities to provide proactive mitigation.

What Security Features Are Available?

Our software includes security features like:

  • Unique user IDs and permission sets
  • Granular security role configuration options
  • Multifactor authentication
  • Single sign-on
  • Splunk monitoring
  • Coding standards for common attacks like injection and cross-site scripting
  • Web application firewall
  • Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-compliant encryption in transit and at rest

Beyond these features, we publish updates and patches regularly and scan our application for vulnerabilities. We also host our infrastructure on Microsoft Azure’s GovCloud, a FedRamp-High certified cloud environment. 

Can This Software Help With Reports?

Yes, IntelliGrants IGX can help with reports. The software includes 20 to 30 standard or tailored reports, depending on your organization’s requirements. We also offer an optional Report Builder tool for self-service reporting. 

Our advanced reporting tools allow you to track metrics like applicant data and the total funds granted to recipients. A simplified visualization lets you see the impact of your grants and the value of your program. You can even make some information available to site visitors, such as the number of people helped in a year or the amount going to each county.

Is This Software User-Friendly?

Yes, IntelliGrants IGX offers a user-friendly environment where you can manage all data related to the complete life cycle of your grants, from pre-application to grant closeout. Intuitive navigation allows you to move through the grant management process with ease. The software also integrates with other programs, like United States Postal Service (USPS) address validation tools, enabling you to integrate it seamlessly into your existing processes. 

Beyond offering a user-friendly solution, we provide complete system support. You can call, email or submit a support request using the solution. Our live help desk support is available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. We have a call center housed and staffed at our headquarters in Okemos, Michigan. 

Is Software From IGX Solutions Available Outside the U.S.?

Yes, we can offer our solutions outside of the United States. 

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